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Mold Inspections

Worried that your home or a house you are buying is exposing you to the dangers of mold?

Often times, the dangers of mold is like an iceberg, the majority of it is hidden below the surface. Underlying moisture issues can be feeding the growth of mold without even being visible. 



At Pike County Mold, we utilize the latest in technology, as well as the experience of countless prior inspections, to not only uncover those potentially hidden sources, but also find weaknesses in your homes moisture envelope, that can lead to problems down the line. 

A whole house inspection from Pike County Mold, can give you peace of mind, knowing that you not only have a safe house, but also a plan to keep it that way. And if mold is found, taking the correct steps to make your home safe again can begin.

We offer a comprehensive line of mold remediation, testing, and protection solutions.